Reports Screen

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Reports Screen

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Reports Screen

Reports Screen

ProAct includes a powerful reporting system that can tabulate and analyze millions of records in many combinations and provides easy export to Microsoft Excel for additional formatting.  There are a number of report formats that can be used to breakdown the calculations by any of the variables in the system and every report may be filtered by any combination of values.


Running Reports


1.Select a Report Type from the list.
2.Select the Checklist from the list.  Selecting the <All Checklists> option will include data from all checklists and will format Checklist Summary reports based on the Master Behavior List.
3.Select the Date Range from the predefined values or select 'Custom' and enter a date range manually.
4.Optional: Specify data filters.
5.Click the Table, Chart, or Excel button.  Tables and Charts will download as PDF files.  Depending on your browser settings the report may appear in the browser window or initiate a file download.