Report Types

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Report Types

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ProAct includes a number of report types.  Each of the report types may be used to analyze any of the variables in ProAct.  This list will grow as we expand ProAct's reporting capabilities.


Comparison Reports - Each variable in the system has a dedicated Comparison Report.  This report lists each item in the selected variable with the calculated totals for each.  For example the Shift Comparison report would show the totals for each shift.  A Month Comparison report would act as a trending report.
Grid Reports - Each variable in the system has a dedicated Grid Report. These are breakdown reports that show the relationship between the variable items and the checklist items (behaviors).  Displayed as a large grid of numbers with the variable list items across the top and the list of Checklist behaviors down the side.  Within the grid are the corresponding percent safe measurements.
Checklist Summary - Similar to the Comparison Reports, this report displays the selected checklist with calculated totals for each checklist item.
Observer Management - Special report that displays totals for each observer as well as a number of quality metrics.
Comment Reports - Special report that shows quantity and quality metrics for the Comment and Comment Category fields.
Search Reports are used to find specific records to get a list of records that match the specified criteria.


Report Formats

Reports may be exported in Table, Chart or Excel formats.  Examples of each are included in the specific report type links.