Comment Reports

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Comment Reports

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The Comment Reports are used to summarize and analyze Observer and Worker comments.

Comment Reports include:

Comment List Report
Comment Breakdown Report
Additional Comment Report


Comment List Report



The Comment List Report lists all collected comments for the specified data filters.  This report is useful for summarizing the collected Behavior-related Observation comments.


The Comment List Report includes the following information for each behavior:

The Comment (or Comments if two are enabled) associated with the Concern
The Comment Category Code (if enabled).
The Sheet ID that identifies the Observation Sheet.  This number can be used in the Observation Data window to view the original Observation.
The Date the Observation occurred.


The Comment List Report does not have a chart format.

The Comment List Excel export includes the same information in XLS spreadsheet format.


Comment Breakdown Report


The Comment Breakdown Report displays an analysis of the comment data collected.  This reports totals the number of comments broken down by Comment Category Code.  This report is useful for determining the breakdown of reasons for risk taking and also for managing the volume of comments collected by Observers.


The Comment Breakdown Report includes the following information for each Behavior and Comment Category Code:

The Sample is the count of comments collected.
The %Sample is the percent of comments compared to the sample of Concerns.  For example, a 88% sample would mean that a comment was collected 88% of the time that a Concern was noted.
The %Total indicates the breakdown between Comment Category Codes.  For example, 50% would indicate that half of the Concerns noted for that Behavior were associate to the adjacent Comment Category Code.

The Comment Breakdown Report does not have a chart format.

The Comment Breakdown Excel export includes the same information in XLS spreadsheet format.


Additional Comments Report


The Additional Comment Report displays all Observer and Worker comments collected in Observations matching the data filter criteria.

The Excel export includes the same information in XLS spreadsheet format.